Child Impact Reports
What is a Child Impact Report and how is it used?
A Child Impact Report assists the Court in providing information about the child/ren, your ex-spouse and yourself. It assists the Court in identifying what is in the best interests of the children. A Child Impact Report is likely one of the documents that will assist the Court in making an Order in relation to the children and the Court will consider it as expert evidence.
A Child Impact Report may include the recommendations:
parental responsibilities;
parental roles;
Spend time arrangements
How the children will communicate with parents and other significant people in their lives;
any safety issues and concerns
An accredited person such as a psychologist, will write the child impact report. They usually have a significant amount of experience working together with families.
What will happen when we meet with the Child Impact Report Writer?
The report writer will speak to all persons involved in the matter unless the children are at such a young age, they will not speak to them
The report writer will inform you how they will meet with the parties. They may meet with you individually or together with yourself and the children.
The report writer may collect information about:
the children and their individual needs
the children’s relationships with family members and significant others
the children’s views
the views about what is in your children’s best interests
the family history, including the history of parenting roles and arrangements and the relationships between the adults (past and present)
what is currently happening in your child’s life
issues relevant to the children’s and adults’ safety.
If you would like further information, contact Kozarov Lawyers today for expert legal advice on 03 9929 3829 or at info@kozarovlawyers.com